CataLight members
Prof. Sven Rau
Foto: Ulm UniversityProf. Sven Rau
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry I
Ulm University
Prof. Christine Kranz
Foto: Christine KranzProf. Christine Kranz
Institute of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
Ulm University
Prof. Felix Schacher
Foto: Felix SchacherProf. Felix Schacher
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Prof. Carsten Streb
Foto: Ulm UniversityProf. Carsten Streb
Department of Chemistry
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Abbildung: Male icons created by Pixel perfect - FlaticonDr. Fabian Guba
(Scientific Coordinator)
Institute of Chemical Engineering
Ulm University
Silvia Ruthardt
Foto: Silvia RuthardtSilvia Ruthardt
(Team Assistant)
Institute of Physical Chemistry
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Portrait of Cordula Arndt-Möller
Foto: Elvira EberhardtCordula Arndt-Möller
(Team Assistent)
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry I
Ulm University